1) Wings, often associated with birds, represent speed, elevation, freedom and aspiration.
2) Wings associated with angels are spiritual, symbolizing enlightenment, guidance and protection - to be taken under the wing - and inspirational.
3) Wings associated with butterflies, dragonflies, fairies, mythological winged creatures like dragons, griffins, and the winged-horse Pegasus, have an element of the magical about them. As in alchemy and magic, wings can be transformational, allowing an individual access to a previously unattainable state. The presence of wings allows the combination of different elements, earth and sky, wind and fire.
good start. Liked some of your designs. Now try to implement idea in Illustrator.
what is your personal statement? Could not find it in your blog...Must design based on your statement. Not reverse engineer and design your symbol and then find statement.
Hi Samira, I am starting a non-profit organization and have been looking for a wing related logo. I like your designs and was wondering if you could do the logo for the organization. Please contact me at this email thepilotproject@hotmail.com if you are interested!
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